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UNITE: Continuing the Conversation

Sessions and gatherings designed to engage the local government community in deep discussion and active reflection about top issues in the profession.

In light of the COVID-19 health crisis and to prioritize the well-being and safety of our members, exhibitors, sponsors, and partners, ICMA launched its first ever digital event that took place September 23-26.

Now that September 23-26 has passed, ICMA is pushing forward on a new initiative titled, UNITE: Continuing the Conversation. We find it more important than ever to foster discussion about the ever-changing issues in our communities. To that end, we will host a series of conversations on Friday, November 13 which will explore three different themes: (1) bridging the digital divide; (2) key leadership and management challenges for the remainder of 2020; and (3) racial equity and social justice.

Here’s how it works:

If you have and are already registered for UNITE, you get to come back to the UNITE platform on Friday, November 13 using the credentials that were emailed for the September 23-26 event. No other registration is required and we will send you a follow up email with more details about the event and access soon.

If you are not registered for UNITEregister today and you will get access to the 200+ on-demand sessions showcased during September 23-26 PLUS continue the conversation with your local government peers on Friday, November 13 as we’ll be offering even more sessions to learn from!

Our mission is to bring local government professionals together from around the globe to learn from each other and address the new realities of our communities. UNITE is going beyond just September 23-26. We are providing all local government leaders and professionals with a place where they can stand together as a profession.

November 12

FREE COACHING WEBINAR: Talent Management in the 21st Century: Growing, Attracting, and Retaining Your Best

March 1
