2023-2024 MCCMA Board Nominations

The MCCMA Nominations Committee is seeking candidates for the MCCMA Board.

Board service is a great way to get to know other local government leaders and to give back to the Association. The time commitment is manageable, and the benefits are well worth the effort.

The Nominations Committee would like to have interested parties contact them by April 27 so that they can put forth a slate of candidates at the Annual meeting on May 12.

Newly elected officers begin their term of office at the following MML annual summer conference.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please submit an interest form to the Nominations Committee.

MCCMA Board Responsibilities

The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the Association. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors and shall give an annual report to the Association at the annual meeting. He or she shall appoint members to the MCCMA Nominations Committee, MML Conference Planning Committee, ICMA Conference Planning Committee, MML Communications Committee, MML Legislative Committee and, when necessary, other ad hoc committees with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The Vice President shall assist the President with the business and affairs of the organization. He or she shall preside at any meeting of the Association or Board of Directors in the absence of the President.  The Vice President shall coordinate the Municipal Employee of The Year Award and shall coordinate membership recruitment.

The Treasurer shall transact the necessary financial business of the Association, keeping a complete record of all transactions, which shall be submitted for review at the annual meeting of the Association. The Treasurer shall also prepare the annual budget for adoption.  If required by the Board of Directors, he or she shall give bond in such form and amount as may be determined by the Board of Directors.

The Secretary shall take and transcribe a set of minutes for all association and Board of Directors meetings. The Secretary shall also be responsible for preparing all correspondence for the association.  The Secretary shall maintain the MCCMA records and archives, coordinate email and membership updates with ICMA and facilitate updates to the MCCMA website.

Interest Form